Doulas, Dads and Birth
Birth is a very intimate life event. Becoming parents can be overwhelming whether it is your first or fifth child. Understanding the birth process does make the actual birth simpler, yet all the unknowns can play mind games with both mom and dads. A doula can help alleviate the pressure on everyone.
What is a Doula exactly?
Merriam Webster says: a person trained to provide advice, information, emotional support, and physical comfort to a mother before, during, and just after childbirth.
Studies have shown having a person who is there ‘just for you’ decreases interventions and shorter births. But, is it right for you? This is a very personal question! Yet, may I ask a few more questions to help you understand if this could be helpful for you?
Questions to think about
How many births have you attended?
How many births has your partner attended?
Are you comfortable in a hospital setting, if that is where you will be delivering?
Pondering these answers can help know if you are a good candidate to have a third party, unbiased advocate with you. Experience brings knowledge. You do not know what you do not know. Also, its important to remember you need to ask the right questions to get the right answers. Having a professional with you, can help with all of this!
Do I need a Doula?
On the other hand…I do not believe everyone needs to have a doula. (Yet, I firmly believe everyone would benefit from a doula). Being in the industry for over two decades, I noticed a need to train up dads in how to help mom. This all started with friends who lived far away and I consulted with them on preparation. Then, my son asking me how he can help his wife, since all the things he googled/searched/pinterested seemed ridiculous. When we started talking through birth and I explained how he could help, he said, “This is really good mom, thanks!” This was the beginning of me putting together a course for couples that was geared for dads, yet benefiting moms.
Help for the Dads:
Some of the things I cover with dads is:
How to time contractions and download and app for it.
How to help your wife stay relaxed without saying RELAX!
Keep mom breathing without saying, Stop holding your breath!
Simple ways to keep labor progressing.
Tips on keeping mom comfortable and hydrated.
When dad is educated and willing to jump in to do the work to help mom through labor and delivery, its truly beautiful. Even when I am the doula in the birth room, its always to bring dad into the birth experience as his love and support is second to none! Follow me for many more tips and tricks @suzidoula on instagram, and decide for yourself if a Doula is right for you! Find more information at my website by clicking HERE.