Survival Tips for Moms this Summer

As the school year draws to a close, I have mixed emotions about the upcoming summer. On one hand, I’m excited to sleep in, indulge in summertime snacks, go on vacation and spend time by the pool. On the other hand, I’m trying to figure out how I’ll manage to survive this summer. 

In addition to my own kids, I’ll have my niece and nephew this summer and with the kids out of school, I’ll have less time to myself, less time to run errands and less time to work on random projects. I’ll also become their personal chauffeur for the summer, which can be stressful.


Transition can be challenging and in order to cope with the summer months ahead, I’ve come up with some tips for surviving summer.


  1. No, I’m not talking about doing the latest dance move – I’m talking about your expectations, lower them. That may sound bad, but it is a key concept. We don’t need to strive for perfection. Sometimes dinner comes in a paper bag with a toy and laundry goes unwashed. Our kids enjoy the little things, like making memories together and having our undivided attention.


  1. Hear me out on this one. Sometimes after a long day at work I relax in front of the tv for a bit; I’ve earned it. Kids can also earn their screen time. They can do age-appropriate tasks like tidying up the toys or reading a book in order to earn some screen time.


  1. Having something on the calendar to look forward to always makes me feel good. Whether you plan a big tropical vacation or a staycation in your backyard, it is always great to have something to look forward to on your schedule.


  1. It’s essential to schedule self-care into your week. Self-care isn’t always as easy as it seems, but even small acts of self-care, like taking deep breaths, going on a walk, or even dedicating just 5-10 minutes just for you can make a big difference in how you feel.


  1. Don’t be so hard on yourself, summer can be challenging. You’ve got this mama!
Sharnelle Currence
Meet Sharnelle! A native Charlottean known in some circles as “Nellie”; she is an optimistic and witty wife to a supportive husband and a mother of two. An equal opportunity brunch connoisseur, classically trained home cook, makeup lover and reality tv addict, she can often be found gallivanting around the grocery store while listening to hip-hop. Sharnelle is excited to help other moms navigate the beautiful struggle that is motherhood. For recipes, DIYs, and mom jokes follow her @UngentleParent


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