Why Flag Football Might be the “IT” sport for Your Family
“Do you know what my favorite part of the game is.? The opportunity to play” – Mike Singletary
Becoming a Mom, one of the first things I thought about was...
As Fall arrives and the weather changes, the door opens for playdates that Summer wouldn't allow. As a Mom myself, Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. There are so many things that you can do...
As our kids begin their school year, you may notice changes in mood and behavior among them.
From preschool to high school here are six signs and behaviors of back-to-school anxiety. My children exhibit anxiety differently and among them...
Kids Consignment Sales and Shops Near Charlotte, NC
Kids consignment sales and shops are where I get the bulk of my kid's clothes. As a stay-at-home Mom, this has been a lifesaver because it allows our one-income family to save...
Part 1: Tips for Sending Your Baby Off to Kindergarten:
How to Make The First Days More Manageable
This article is the first of two articles intended to support moms sending their children to kindergarten. Next month, check back for...
What are we going to have for dinner this week?
If you’re anything like me, this question plagues me EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. Whenever I ask my husband he usually responds with “I don’t know, whatever you want.” But to...
Inexpensive Summer Activities That Don’t Involve the Screen
As mothers, we tend to try and find ways to entertain and spend time with our kids when school is out for the Summer. There are so many activities, and we all...
Post Playdate Check-ins
Instagram: @Mujaa_16
As we are enjoying our summer, our kids are most likely asking us to have playdates. As my children get older and I feel more comfortable, we are allowing them to have drop-off playdates. This can...
I have two jobs, and love them both!
As both a doula and a realtor, I offer a unique set of skills that bring immense value to my clients. When it comes to navigating major life transitions, having a professional...
I am a big fan of supporting local small businesses...
and that includes farmers. Many farmers markets are open for a few hours on Saturday mornings. I never thought I would enjoy visiting farmers markets as much as I do!...